Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No baby yet, but

it has a nice new sweater. I love this little pattern! It's so cute and I think will be a favorite for gift giving too. How do you not love something with only two buttons? Big girl sweaters are great with only two buttons, so little sweaters must be even nicer. It's knit from some handspun with fiber from Spunky Eclectic. It was lovely yarn, but an even better sweater.
So baby is now two days overdue, still cooking in there. No indication that there is any change coming my way. Still hoping though. I've washed the kitchen floor today, walked, swam, thinking about getting a trampoline. Ready to eat some spicy food, someone suggested a foot massage for acupressure points. Welcome to the beginning of my child running my life, I have officially lost control. My family thinks this little fact is hysterical I might add.


WickedPyssa said...

I thought told you months ago, you would not have this baby till the fifteenth.... Lets hope I was right :)

Mr. 'Daddy' Romance said...

I think this blog needs some updating