Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why did I sit down????????

It never fails, I do fine at work, I think of all the things to do after work, I get in the car and............. after a 50 minute drive I pull into the driveway and am exhausted. I can't think of doing anything and don't even pretend to want to. So here I sit, in front of the computer it's 6:30, I have not practiced yoga. My yoga mat isn't even calling my name - but I've checked email, ravelry, the weather and now I'm posting because the last one was in April and I've "done SO much" that requires discussion.

I am happy to announce that I have ridden my bike in the woods, first ride off road was Sunday and I had a better one yesterday - I didn't sit down when I got home so I was able to exercise! We are so excited - it's completely possible to ride directly out of our backyard straight to my favorite woods trails in seacoast NH without having to pack up or use the car! We can PEDAL, and there is only about an half a mile of road involved. It's a beautiful thing!

To update you on the spinning in my life, I had been using my spindle a bit. I have some small samplings and I'm pretty happy with the results. I rented a spinning wheel from The Yarn and Fiber Company for a week and I had a ball. The results need some work but I LOVE it. I am going to order a wheel and be lost forever to yarn. Mr. Romance is officially frightened and a bit annoyed that there is more to my obsession then just knitting and purling.

Oh, the real news of note is that I have finally been to Webs and I'm afraid I will never be able to go back. It crazy there and I now have enough yarn to last me into my mid-eighties if my hands can hold up that long. I have been staying up at night trying to finish projects so that I can start new ones with my new yarn. I have some ideas but nothing firm yet. I'll post the ideas as soon as I've settled.

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